True Garden offers the widest selection of aeroponic lettuce seedlings & salad seedlings for sale in the USA. We offer 9 varieties of lettuce seedlings including Adriana, Cherokee, Coastal Star Romaine, Magenta, Muir, Red Romaine, Rex, and Skyphos varieties of lettuce. Our aeroponic seedlings are 100% naturally grown without the use of pesticides nor herbicides. All seedlings are grown from organic non-GMO seeds. Seedlings are carefully shipped and you can easily plant them on your Tower Garden. We ship to the lower 48 States.
Please view our selection of aeroponic lettuce & salad for Tower Garden:
Adriana Lettuce Seedlings: This is a heat-resistant variety of butterhead lettuce has a remarkable wide spectrum of disease resistant attributes.
Cherokee Lettuce Seedlings:
Dark red leaves with big harvest window and excellent taste.
Coastal Star Seedlings:
Full size romaine with Heat-resistant attributes. Features a delicious sweet flavor and produces dark green large heads of lettuce.
Magenta Lettuce Seedlings: This variety of lettuce is a red lettuce variety that grows extremely well in summers. The flavor is exceptional. The leaves are gleaming, sporadically wrinkled, reddish color with a cone shaped head and green at the center. Perfect for spring and summer.
Muir Lettuce Seedlings:
This lettuce is the most heat tolerant variety of the group. This variety grows exceptionally well in hot climates. Features crisp leaves with a rewarding flavor. High resistance to many mildew races.
Rex Lettuce Seedlings: Commonly used hydroponic variety and a excellent lettuce variety for inside greenhouse and growing indoors.
Skyphos: The king of red butterhead lettuces producing gorgeous massive red heads of lettuce and a high tolerance to downy mildew races.
All Star Lettuce Mix Seedlings: Colorful mix of reds and greens, this delicious salad mix includes green oakleaf, red oakleaf, green romaine, red romaine, lollo rossa, and red leaf lettuces.
Elegance Greens Mix: Hues go from dark green and bronze & red to pale blue green. The blend of flavors and textures makes this an excellent serving of mixed greens. This mix includes pac choi, red mustard, mizuna, and leaf broccoli.