Growing with a purpose
If you love to cook, how about an Herb Tower filled with fresh herbs that can liven up any dish with fresh goodness. From a cooking standpoint, these herbs will have enhanced flavors over store bought or dry herbs.
Herbs are not only a must for every household/kitchen, but they are also perfect for growing in your Tower Garden. Most herbs grown in a Tower Garden grow faster and you will have a higher yield as well as a superior nutrient content.


Like its cousins’ mint, oregano, rosemary, sage, thyme, lavender, and marjoram, basil belongs to the lamiaceae family.
Basil is considered a nutrient dense herb with benefits of flavonoids, antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and Vitamins A, K, and C. It is superior in nutrients, antioxidants, and flavonoid values. It is also a medicinal herb aiding in digestion. Other benefits include anti-inflammatory, anti-free radical activity, and liver detoxification.
You can easily grow different basil varieties on the same tower. Allow a few basil plants flowers to attract pollinators: basil flowers are a bee magnet!!
Basil – Persian
Sweet flavor. Prolific producer of pleasant tasting leaves for your culinary adventures for adding flavor to soups, sauces, fish, and meat dishes.
Basil – Nufar
Fusarium-resistant Italian large-leaf type. Leaves up to 4″ long. Sweet scent and flavor with notes of anise. Intermediate resistance to Fusarium wilt. Ht. 24–30″.
Basil – Holy Tulsi
Unique, spicy aroma with hints of coffee and chocolate. Compact but very full, attractive plants. Mild spicy aroma with hints of sweetness. Faster growing and its purple flowers also make it a nice beneficial and/or ornamental. For teas, culinary, and medicinal use. Very good resistance to downy mildew. Also known as “Spice Basil”.
Basil – Amethyst
Sweet. An essential ingredient in many Italian, Greek, and Asian dishes. If you love to make fresh pesto or caprese salad from the garden this colorful basil is perfect. It is useful to treat digestion and liver problems, to detoxify the body, as a natural anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant, to treat headaches and migraines.
Basil – Purple
Aromatic with notes of anise, cinnamon, citrus, and pepper. Purple basil can be used in the kitchen in essentially the same way as green basil. However, its distinct color offers a special decorative value when garnishing dishes and is sure to pique your guests’ interests.
Contains anthocyanins and various essential oils that give it sedative, antispasmodic and digestive effects.
Basil – Thai
Authentic Thai basil flavor. Edible Flowers: Use the flowers in any recipe that calls for basil, or to garnish drinks, salads, soups, pasta, and desserts. The flavor is of intense, spicy basil with notes of clove and anise.
Basil – Lemon
Green leaves with spicy lemon flavor. Uniform, medium-green leaves with medium texture. Use lemon basil in dishes that call for both basil flavor and a touch of zest. Also, an elegant cocktail and dessert garnish. A critical ingredient in many Asian dishes, including those of Thailand, Laos, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
When growing basil on a Tower Garden®, we advise you to plant 6 to 8 seeds per coco coir/rockwool cube. Temperatures must be 65°F (20°C) and above for optimum results. However, temperatures above 30°C/85°F might hinder the percentage of successful seedlings. The optimum temperature range for the basil seedling process is 68°F to 75°F (20°C – 25°C). However, we advise you to look at the growing advice of your seed provider. In fact, for example, Thai basil can germinate easily above 75°F (25°C).
Although basil is an extremely prolific plant when growing on an aeroponic tower, it takes a little while for the growing process before being able to harvest: 2 to 3 weeks for the germination process (sometimes up to 1 month depending on temperatures and/or variety) and an extra 4 to 8 weeks before being ready for harvest.
Basil can be harvested when it has developed about 10 pairs of leaves. It is also recommended to pinch off (with your fingers or with scissors) the tip of the stems to promote branching. Regular pinching is instrumental to keep the basil plant from flowering. When the basil plant starts flowering, it signals the end of its growing cycle.
The basil plant will keep on giving new growth for at least 4 to 6 months depending on weather conditions and variety.

Dill is an easy-to-grow and popular herb. Both dill seeds and greens (also known as dill weed) can flavor a wide range of foods — a popular addition to sauces, and a must for making pickles. Slow-bolting dill varieties are ideal for bunching and leaf harvest.
As herb and spice, dill is commonly used to elevate the flavor of various dishes. It’s often paired with salmon, potatoes, and yogurt-based sauces. In addition to culinary uses, dill is rich in several nutrients and has traditionally been used to treat various ailments, including digestive issues, colic in infants, and bad breath.
Fresh dill is very low in calories, yet a surprisingly good source of several essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, manganese, and vitamin A
Successful cultivation requires warm to hot summers with high sunshine levels; even partial shade will reduce the yield substantially.
Dill is a plant which needs to be harvested early. Although it turns into a beautiful ornamental plant when overgrown, it can grow big enough to give a trunk-like stem strong enough to damage your tower.
Harvesting dill is a simple and easy process that can be done continuously throughout the season as the herb grows quickly and can provide you with flavor-packed seeds and leaves that you can use to take any ordinary recipe to the next level.
Using a pair of scissors, snip the stems of the leaves, right where they meet the growth point on the main stem. You can do this by hand as well, by pinching the stems off, especially if the plant’s stems are young and tender.
The seed is harvested by cutting the flower heads off the stalks when the seed is beginning to ripen. The seed heads are placed upside down in a paper bag and left in a warm, dry place for a week. The seeds then separate from the stems easily for storage in an airtight container.
While dill grows fast, it does take about 4-8 weeks to mature enough for harvesting. However, as soon as your dill plant has at least 4-5 leaves, you can go ahead and start harvesting, making sure not to take more than a third of the plant at a time.

Parsley has a clean and peppery taste with a touch of earthiness, making it a great all-rounder in the kitchen. Running through each leaf is a natural aromatic oil, and it’s this which is responsible for its unmistakable flavor.
Parsley is particularly rich in vitamins A, C, and K. The vitamins and beneficial plant compounds in parsley may improve bone health, protect against chronic diseases, and provide antioxidant benefits. You can incorporate dried or fresh leaves easily into your diet by adding them to soups, salads, marinades, and sauces.
Parsley grows best between 72–86 °F (22–30 °C)
When gardening outdoors, place your tower in a spot which gets partial shade (mainly during the peak of the summer heat).
Make sure that the water inside the nutrient reservoir does not exceed 80°F (25°C) since parsley bolts above such temperature.
Since it takes about 6 weeks for a parsley seed to turn into a seedling ready to be planted, we do recommend using each plant for several harvests, ensuring a more bountiful crop rotation and availability.
However, around the 3rd/4th harvest, the roots get darker, and the new plants produce more stems and less foliage. Once again, roots need to be maintained/cut regularly.
Parsley takes longer than coriander to sprout/grow (mainly referring to curled parsley) but like coriander, it can be harvested up to 5 times as long as the roots are cut/maintained accordingly.

Cilantro, also known as Coriander, is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds are the parts most traditionally used in cooking.
Cilantro is said to have a fresh, citrusy, and/or soapy taste — depending on who you ask — and is also called Chinese parsley. Its seeds, on the other hand, are often referred to as coriander, which are nutty and spicy tasting.
Rids the Body of Heavy Metals. Arsenic, cadmium, aluminum, lead, and mercury can become resident in our tissues. Protects Against Oxidative Stress. Reduces Anxiety. Lowers Blood Sugar Levels. Supports Heart Health. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections. Settles Digestive Upset. Protects Against Food Poisoning.
Rather than putting 3-4 seeds per coco coir/rockwool cube, we prefer to plant 5-6 seeds per coco coir/rockwool cubes above all when gardening outdoors. In our experience, it allows not only to grow bushier plants, but it gives superior crop for subsequent harvests when cutting the plant partially and aiming at a regrowth strategy.
Cilantro/coriander can be harvested either by pulling it out of the tower fully or by cutting the plant and its roots as short as 2 inches (5 cm) before being replanted. The plant can be also harvested in several increments by being cut partially (we recommend cutting 1/3 third of the plant per harvesting session to promote an optimal regrowth process).
Although Cilantro/coriander can grow back up to 5 times after having been fully cut, we recommend not to repeat such a process more than 3 times and to plant a new seedling after the third harvest. When cutting/coriander partially or fully but when leaving the plant in the tower aiming at regrowth, in all cases, root management is a must. Trim/clip the roots regularly.

Thyme is the herb of some members of the genus Thymus of aromatic perennial evergreen herbs in the mint family Lamiaceae. Thymes are relatives of the oregano genus Origanum, with both plants being mostly indigenous to the Mediterranean region.
Thyme is taken by mouth for bronchitis, whooping cough, sore throat, colic, arthritis, upset stomach, stomach pain (gastritis), diarrhea, bedwetting, a movement disorder in children (dyspraxia), intestinal gas (flatulence), parasitic worm infections, and skin disorders.
Thyme can be planted anywhere on the tower. For all other aromatic herbs and/or medicinal herbs, we recommend avoiding the top and bottom planting sections when possible and following the manufacturer’s planting guidelines carefully. However, when growing herbs, in all cases, we insist upon the importance of root management/ maintenance above all when the same plant is subject to several harvests.
Harvest thyme when it is still young since it loses its flavor and fragrance after it flowers.
Thyme takes a long time to sprout and grow on aeroponic towers, but it is totally worth it! It gives incredibly flavorful vibrant plants and can be cut partially/fully for follow-up harvests.

A staple of the herb garden.
Dusty, green leaves are used in dressing, sauces, salted herbs, sausage, and tea. Make a good base for dried floral wreaths. Also known as garden sage.
Sage contains vitamins A and C, along with several other antioxidants that help reduce the risk of serious health conditions like cancer. It’s also rich in vitamin K, which aids the body in clotting blood. Since sage is usually taken in small amounts, it provides a high amount of nutrition without a lot of calories.
Plant sage during the cool days of spring or fall.
You can pick fresh leaves all year round. For the best flavor, pick them before the flowers appear and wait until late morning or early evening when the aromatic oils are concentrated in the leaves.

Pine-scented, savory, culinary favorite.
Native to the Mediterranean region, rosemary has silvery needle-like foliage and delicate flowers. Popular for potted plant sales and with chefs. NOTE: Germination is naturally low and variable.
Rosemary has significant antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, anti-tumorigenic, antinociceptive, and neuroprotective properties. Furthermore, it shows important clinical effects on mood, learning, memory, pain, anxiety, and sleep.
The herb not only tastes good in culinary dishes, such as rosemary chicken and lamb, but it is also a good source of iron, calcium, and vitamin B-6. It is typically prepared as a whole dried herb or a dried powdered extract, while teas and liquid extracts are made from fresh or dried leaves.
Rosemary likes full sun and does not tolerate shade. This means it requires at least six hours of direct sunlight on most days. A south-facing window is ideal for indoor growth, and grow lights are often necessary to provide supplemental light.
When growing rosemary as a culinary herb, it’s best to harvest in the spring and summer when it’s actively putting on new growth. Rosemary grows as a compact woody shrub. While all the leaves are technically edible, we usually only eat the tender leaves that form at the tips of new branches.
Most gardeners start rosemary from young plants such as seedlings from True Garden. This plant does not germinate easily from seed and seedlings are slow to grow.
While rosemary is an evergreen which can be harvested at any time, it’s best to harvest young stems and leaves for the freshest taste. The plant puts on soft new tips in the spring and summer.
The leaves and stems get tougher and woodier as they age. The older tips are best for infusing things with flavor or scent, rather than eating.
Even the flowers are edible, with a slightly sweeter flavor! Add to salads or dishes as a garnish.
Snip off stems, while keeping an eye on maintaining an attractive shape to the plant. Don’t harvest more than a third of the rosemary at any one time.
To dry rosemary, hang it upside down in bunches to dry in a dark, warm place. Once stems are dry, strip the leaves from them and store in a sealed jar.

Greek oregano is highly prized for its sharp, biting oregano taste. Used to season meats, stews, soups, spaghetti sauce, and pizza. Unlike most herbs, the leaves are best used dried.
Essential oils of oregano are widely recognized for their antimicrobial activity and antiviral and antifungal properties. Nevertheless, recent investigations have demonstrated that these compounds are also potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, and cancer suppressor agents.
Plant in late spring or summer, after the last frost.
Oregano plants attain maturity 80-90 days (about 3 months) after sowing seeds, but you can start harvesting leaves in as little as 6-8 weeks (about 2 months).
To pick oregano leaves so that it keeps growing, simply snip off the tips across the top of the plant (around 2 to 3 ins long). If you want to remove whole stems, cut the stems cleanly with scissors just above a set of leaves or growth nodes. This will encourage the plant to branch and grow new flavorful leaves.

Seeds flavor Mexican and Indian dishes.
Cumin has a slightly sweet, warming flavor with a nutty element, and these qualities mean it’s often seen as a savory alternative to cinnamon. It works particularly well with chili flakes, as they bolster the natural spicy flavor and add a rich, earthier tone.
Using cumin as a spice increases antioxidant intake, promotes digestion, provides iron, may improve blood sugar control, and may reduce food-borne illnesses.
Fragrant, ferny foliage is like dill. Young leaves make a nice addition to salad mixes. Grows best in warmer climates but will produce seeds in northern areas if started early.
For the plant’s seed to ripen, it must be grown in a mild climate with warm temperatures of at least 82°F for three to four months after it flowers. The plant is sensitive to wet or humid areas, and it doesn’t tolerate windy conditions. This annual grows best in USDA zones 5-10; plants prefer a hot summer.
Cumin has a longer growing season than most herbs, taking 120 days to mature. As soon as seed heads can be seen but before they fall from the seed head, it is time to harvest. Cut the entire stem and then hang upside down in a paper bag or over a container that will catch the seeds as they fall out.

Tarragon is a perennial herb with long, light green leaves and tiny greenish or yellowish white flowers that you may be surprised to learn is part of the Sunflower family.
Vitamins in tarragon include vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate. Minerals in tarragon include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and small amounts of sodium, zinc, manganese, and selenium.
Health benefits of tarragon include relieving pain and inflammation. Increasing insulin sensitivity. Alleviating depression. Combating fungal infection. Regulating the immune system. Fighting cancer. Healing the skin.
It’s hardy and easy to grow in a sunny or partially shaded spot. It thrives in spring temperatures and doesn’t do well in overly hot climates.
This hardy plant is not too fussy about temperatures. It can still grow if a cold snap hits. The main thing is that Tarragon doesn’t like intense heat and sun and it doesn’t do well in high humidity.
Harvest your plant regularly. Tarragon can be harvested up until the end of the summer (usually May through to the end of August). Tarragon is best used fresh in the summer.
You can start harvesting once the stems reach about six inches tall. By keeping the flower buds trimmed back during the peak growing season, this will help ensure that any leaves harvested will retain their best flavor, and it’ll promote the most generous and bushy growth.
You can freeze the leaves or dry them. If left to dry for too long, though, the leaves lose their flavor, so be careful. As soon as the leaves are dry, store them in airtight containers.

Spearmint, which is also referred to as garden mint and common mint, is the variety that most people think of first whenever mint is mentioned, as much of the public use the terms Mint and Spearmint interchangeably to describe the same plant. The Mint family contains strongly aromatic oils which account for their many uses as seasoning, and flavorings. But did you know that the Mint Family (Lamiaceae) provides most of our common culinary herbs such as: Basil, Lemon Balm, Oregano, Marjoram, Rosemary, Sage & Thyme.
Eating fresh or dried leaves: Used to treat bad breath. Inhaling essential oils: May improve brain function and cold symptoms. Applying it to the skin: Used to reduce nipple pain from breastfeeding. Taking capsules with food: May help treat IBS and indigestion.
Mint grows best in full sun to partial shade, should be planted early in the growing season.
Mint is a vigorous grower and needs to be contained, or it will send out its runners and spread all over your garden. We recommend avoiding planting mint in the upper planting section since roots can shoot up and clog up the shower cap at the top of the tower.
Frequent harvesting is the key to keeping mint plants at their best. Young leaves have more flavor than old ones.
Like coriander or parsley, mint can be harvested repeatedly using the same plan structure. However, when growing mint on an aeroponic tower, the root management becomes the main challenge. In fact, mint produces water roots which can grow in the upper and lower growing sections at the same time.

Uniform, slender leaves for fresh use.
Highly consistent upright habit with fine, dark green leaves. Ideal for gourmet use.
Common chives consist of clumps of small, slender bulbs that produce thin, tubular, blue-green leaves reaching 10-15 inches in height. The edible, flavorful flowers may be white, pink, purple, or red, depending on the variety. They can be grown in zones 3 to 9.
Chives are cool-season, cold-tolerant perennials best planted in early to mid-spring for an early summer harvest. Chives are considered cool-weather plants and will go dormant in hot summer weather. Chives thrive in the full sun. They tolerate light shade, but six to eight hours of direct light is best.
Chives are rich in vitamin C for immune system activity, as well as vitamin K for optimal blood clotting and wound healing mechanism, besides bone health. They possess vast reserves of vitamin A for improving eyesight and are very low in calories and fats for accelerating weight loss.
They can be harvested any time after the leaves have grown to about six inches tall. When harvesting the leaves, start with the outer leaves first, cutting leaves about two inches from the base of the plant until you have the amount you need.
Snip off what you need, cutting the leaves all the way down; the onions will continue to grow again from the cut end. If you don’t cut the greens down, the plant could get to be much larger than the green onions you find in your grocery store.