
5949 E University Dr.
Mesa, Arizona 85205

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5949 E University Dr Mesa, Arizona 85205, USA

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Triple Action Neem Oil

Broad Sprectrum Fungicide/ Insecticide/ Miticide

• For use on ALL fruits, nuts, vegetables, herbs, & ornamentals

• Prevents & controls black spot on roses & powdery mildew

• Controls aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies & beetles

• Kills eggs, larvae & adult insects

CONTAINS: 70% Clarified Hydrophobic Extract of Neem Oil

USE ON: Indoor/ Outdoor ornamental flowering plants, trees, shrubs, foliage, vegetables, fruits, nuts and landscapes

CONTROLS: As Fungicide – powdery mildew, black spot, downy mildew, anthracnose, rust, leaf spot, botrytis, needle rust, scab and flower, twig, tip blight, and alternia.

As Insecticide/Miticide – aphids, spider mites, scale, whiteflies, beetles, leafrollers, and other insect pests.

RATE: 2 tablespoons (1 oz.) per gallon of water.

APPLICATION: Thoroughly mix solution and spray all plant surfaces (including undersides of leaves) until wet. Mix solution frequently as you spray.


Availability: 22 in stock

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