
5949 E University Dr.
Mesa, Arizona 85205

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5949 E University Dr Mesa, Arizona 85205, USA

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Swiss Chard & Beet – Rainbow Sprinkles

Exclusive! The best of beets and chard.

A bright and cheerful mix that offers maximum color at the micro stage. Includes both red and green, lofty leaves as well as a rainbow of stem and vein colors: bright and light pink, orange, red, and yellow. Varieties are selected for similar maturity dates and seed sizes, so trays germinate evenly. Earthy flavor.

Original price was: $2.50.Current price is: $2.00.

Out of stock

Tower Garden® Ready
100% Organic Seeds
100% Certified Organic Grow Medium: Coco Coir

100% GMO Free
100% Farm Fresh
100% Pesticide Free
Same Day Shipping (Monday – Wednesday)
Seedlings arrive within 1-3 days

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